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In April 1979 twenty-five women living in Northern Suburban areas of Atlanta, met to discuss the possibility of establishing a new chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. In May, the prospective group applied to Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and in September was accepted as a provisional chapter under the sponsorship of the Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.

The provisional chapter established a budget, designed a program, and enthusiastically carried out community service projects. In impressive fashion, over 50 activities for 65 children were planned and completed that program year. This dynamic group of mothers collected donations for UNICEF, donated books to the North Fulton Child Development Center, gave $200 to the United Negro College Fund, and donated food baskets to families in need, among other contributions. The provisional chapter was officially chartered by Jack and Jill of America, Inc. with 29 members in July 1980 and installed as Jack and Jill of America, Inc., North Suburban Atlanta Chapter (NSAC) on September 14, 1980.

We are proud to say North Suburban Atlanta has provided impactful programming for 43 years and counting!

These family activities are planned each program year: Jack and Jill Day Carole Roberson Family Picnic (September), Family Christmas Celebration (December),Chapter Black History Program (February), and National Black Family Day (May).

Historically, the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter combines participation in national recognition days with local community service projects.

For many years, we have organized a "New Attitude Clothing Drive and Seminar" for the Metro Transitional Center, an adult female correctional facility. North Suburban Atlanta also diligently supports the community at large with our Foundation Awareness

Community Partnerships with March of Dimes, Close the Gap, Shoes for Everyone, and COR, a local school-based agency that supports disadvantaged youth and the NAMI walk with our teens.


As part of the rich history of our chapter, North Suburban Atlanta has had the honor and privilege of supporting several of its members as they served Jack and Jill of America, Inc. at both the Regional and National levels. From 2007-2009, former NSAC President, Tamara Turnley Robinson, served as Southeastern Regional

Director. In 2009, she became the National Endorsed Candidate. At the 39th National Convention, Mrs. Robinson was elected National Vice President, and at the 40th National Convention, she became National President of our beloved organization.

Additionally, our Chapter President Kimberly Fisherserved as the inaugural We Are One National Taskforce Co-Chair from 2016-2020 and continues

to assist members in the metro Atlanta area in providing inclusive programming ideas that accommodate and support all Jack and Jill chapters. Our Lead Program Director Kristina (“Steen”) Joye Lyles currently serves as the Southeastern Regional Representative to the National We Are One Committee.

Our chapter’s servant leadership was etched into the fabric of our organization with a Resolution honoring how our beloved chapter continues to pioneer inclusive programming innovation nationwide.

With 43 years of service and leadership, the North Suburban legacy has been shaped and modeled by our amazing past and current presidents. In the 2000’s, NSAC was extremely instrumental in increasing community impact, strategic partnerships, embracing cutting edge technology (e.g., we built a membership chapter app in 2016), and creating succession planning through “NSAC University” for mothers considering leadership roles.

We have been fortunate to have two-chapter presidents serve two consecutive terms (Tamara Turnley Robinson and Cecily McDaniel). In

addition, our 2023-2024 programming mission will provide intentionally inclusive and impactful collaboration as we are moving to work closely on collaborating with our Children’s Recognition, Health, Education, Fundraising, and We Are One committee.

True to North Suburban Atlanta’s legacy, we have also mothered and chartered local chapters such as Stone Mountain, Greater North Atlanta, and

Dunwoody. Most recently this includes the newly - formed Lake Allatoona Chapter.

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